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Why take omega 3: 8 essential benefits

Do you know these precious fatty acids that are omega 3 ? Although important for our health, we often lack them in our modern diet. And conversely, we tend to consume too much omega 6: this poor omega 6/omega 3 ratio is not without consequences, such as increased risks of allergies and inflammation .

You will see that there are many reasons to take omega 3: prepare to be amazed by its many benefits!

Omega 3

What is omega 3?

Omega 3s are essential fatty acids that our body needs, but cannot produce on its own. Hence the importance of a varied diet, capable of providing the dose we need.

There are different types of omega 3, but the best known are eicosapentaenoic acid ( EPA ), docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ), and alpha-linolenic acid ( ALA ). Each of them has its own benefits for our health.

Foods rich in omega 3 are diverse and varied. It is found in particular in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines. Nuts, flaxseed and canola oil are also good plant-based sources.

To find out more about these “good fats”, you can consult our complete guide to omega 3 .

Omega 3

So why take Omega 3?

1) Take omega 3 for the brain

Omega 3s are not only beneficial for the body, they are also great for the brain . Studies show they can help prevent depression , reduce symptoms of anxiety, and prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

Omega 3 has also been linked to a reduction in anxiety symptoms. By helping to reduce inflammation in the brain, they help limit stress and feelings of anxiety.

Finally, omega 3 can help prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Indications show that people who regularly consume fish, and therefore omega 3, have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, for example.

2) Take omega 3 for a strong heart

Omega 3s are also beneficial for the heart and their regular and sufficient consumption can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases . Indeed, these fatty acids can help reduce triglyceride levels in the blood, as well as LDL cholesterol levels (the famous “ bad cholesterol ”), both of which contribute to the accumulation of plaques in the arteries.

Regular consumption of omega 3 can also help reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which again helps prevent heart and vascular diseases.

Finally, omega 3 fights against cardiac arrhythmia, a condition that is characterized by irregular or abnormal heartbeats. Omega 3 stabilizes heart cell membranes, reducing the likelihood of an arrhythmia.

Besides essential fatty acids, here are other heart-healthy foods if you're interested.

3) Take omega 3 for vision

If you are still wondering why take omega 3 , remember that their deficiency is also harmful for... your eyes!

Omega 3 helps prevent age-related macular degeneration , a common eye disease among older adults. They are an important component of the retina, and their consumption can help maintain its health.

Additionally, omega 3s fight dry eye, a condition that occurs when the eyes don't produce enough tears to keep them moist. They reduce inflammation in the glands that produce tears, which may improve tear production and reduce dry eye symptoms.

Finally, omega 3 may help prevent cataracts , a condition characterized by clouding of the lens of the eye. They work by protecting cells in the eye from oxidative damage, which can contribute to cataract formation. 👀

4) Why take omega 3? For healthy skin!

The benefits of omega 3 are also found in their positive impact on the skin.

They are particularly known for their ability to reduce inflammation of the skin . They work by decreasing the production of pro-inflammatory molecules, which can help soothe skin redness and irritation.

Omega 3 also plays a role in preventing acne. They help regulate the production of sebum , an oily substance produced by the skin's oil glands. Excessive sebum production can clog pores and promote the appearance of acne: omega 3 maintains a healthy balance in this area.

In addition, omega 3 fights premature aging of the skin. Their antioxidant properties help neutralize free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage skin cells and accelerate aging. By protecting the skin against this oxidative damage, omega 3 preserves its elasticity and youthfulness.

Omega 3

5) Take omega 3 for joints

Do you want more ? 😀 Omega 3 is also beneficial for our joints ! Their regular consumption helps maintain healthy joints and reduce problems related to inflammation and pain.

As we have said, omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties which are very useful for the joints. They work by inhibiting the production of certain inflammatory substances, which may help alleviate symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions.

Among these, we can cite the famous arthritis. Chronic joint inflammation is one of the key factors in its development: therefore, by reducing inflammation, omega 3 can help prevent or slow the progression of this debilitating condition.

More generally, omega 3 helps reduce joint pain. Their anti-inflammatory properties and ability to improve joint flexibility relieve pain associated with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Taking care of our joints is essential to maintain optimal mobility and quality of life, which is why taking omega 3 is (also) a great asset.

6) Take omega 3 to maintain your muscles

We continue our overview with another element of health pampered by omega 3: muscles. 💪

For starters, omega 3s delay muscle loss associated with aging. As we age, we are more likely to lose muscle mass, which can lead to decreased muscle strength and function. Omega 3 maintains good muscle mass by stimulating protein synthesis and reducing muscle breakdown.

Next, omega 3 can improve muscle recovery after exercise. When we train, our muscles experience micro-injuries that require a recovery period. 😴 The anti-inflammatory properties of omega 3 reduce muscle inflammation and accelerate recovery, allowing a quicker return to physical activities. We talk about it in more detail in this article dedicated to omega 3 supplementation, an ally for athletes.

Finally, omega 3 plays a role in improving sports performance . They promote better blood circulation, which allows better oxygenation of the muscles during exercise. In addition, they improve heart and lung function, which has a very positive impact on endurance and the ability to perform prolonged efforts.

Omega 3

7) The benefits of omega 3 for pregnant and breastfeeding women

As you know, pregnant and breastfeeding women have specific nutritional needs to ensure the health of their baby. Omega 3 plays an important role in the development of the fetal brain and eyes. Consumption of omega 3, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), during pregnancy and breastfeeding may promote better growth and cognitive development of the baby .

Omega 3 is also a powerful ally against postpartum depression . Women who consume adequate amounts of omega 3 may reduce their risk of suffering from depression after childbirth. Omega 3 may help regulate mood by reducing inflammation in the brain, which can be a contributing factor in the onset or development of depression.

Finally, omega 3 can also improve the quality of breast milk by providing essential nutrients to the baby. Omega 3, particularly DHA, is necessary for the development of the baby's central nervous system. Breastfeeding women must consume adequate amounts of omega 3 to ensure the good health of their baby.

8) Omega 3 as a health partner for children?

Last benefit of fatty acids on our list: they play a crucial role in the cognitive development of children. Consumption of omega 3, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), promotes optimal brain growth and function by providing essential nutrients needed to build brain cells.

In addition to this, omega 3 can reduce the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. EPA, in particular, can improve concentration, attention and emotional regulation, all benefits for children with ADHD.

When it comes to food allergies, omega 3 may play a role in reducing risk. Omega 3 has been shown to help modulate the immune system, reducing the risk of allergic reactions, especially in children.

Omega 3: your universal food supplement

You now know why taking omega 3 is more than beneficial for your health. Support for the brain and heart, preservation of eyes, skin, joints, muscles, super nutrients for pregnant women and children... the list goes on!

So don't wait any longer and quickly integrate these super essential fatty acids into your diet for brilliant health.

And if you have difficulty reaching your quotas, consider taking an omega 3 food supplement, preferably based on fish oil (known for being naturally concentrated in EPA and DHA fatty acids).


Co-founder of NOVOMA

Passionate and expert in micro-nutrition, Lucas founded Novoma in 2012. It is with conviction that he develops food supplements with effective, carefully chosen and 100% clean active ingredients, to best meet the body's needs.

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